Amendment 28, Participation, Campaign Finance Reform, President, Treaties, Supreme Court, Congress, Tax, Debt
This marginalises no one except Wall Street, world government, bad justices, and corruption.
Otherwise it defines participation in politics for ALL Americans, including ex-felons to a more limited extent, but a greater extent than they participate now.
This amendment would require ratification by all the states because it does affect their voting rights in the Senate based on how popular their state is and how popular their candidates are.
Representatives are no longer bound to states and can pander to expatriates.
A new, sort-of "super jury" is created for the sole purpose of getting rid of corruption, it can create no corruption by itself, unless it doesn't carry out its duties.
I have also added prerequisites for becoming President or a Supreme Court justice:
Presidents eventually will need to have held other elected offices such as a Senator, Representative, Governor or state legislator.
Justices need to be acting as judges or lawyers at the time of a Supreme Court election in order to be on the Supreme Court, this would only make sense as any Justice needs to have the best legal knowledge in order to be effective at their jobs, it also keeps them from campaigning, which would disqualify them, and it would also incentivise them to do their jobs extremely well so that potential voters could recognize him or her.
Amendment text is §1 to §55:
I have also added prerequisites for becoming President or a Supreme Court justice:
Presidents eventually will need to have held other elected offices such as a Senator, Representative, Governor or state legislator.
Justices need to be acting as judges or lawyers at the time of a Supreme Court election in order to be on the Supreme Court, this would only make sense as any Justice needs to have the best legal knowledge in order to be effective at their jobs, it also keeps them from campaigning, which would disqualify them, and it would also incentivise them to do their jobs extremely well so that potential voters could recognize him or her.
Amendment text is §1 to §55:
§1 | Two Senators shall come from every state. |
§2 | One chosen by plurality vote in the state, or by random selection of a qualified person never having held public office should none achieve more than 25 per one hundred of all possible votes. |
§3 | One chosen by plurality vote in their state’s legislature, or by random selection of a qualified person never having held public office should none achieve more than 25 per one hundred votes of state legislators. |
§4 | Each shall have a minimum of one vote and a maximum of three votes in the Senate. |
§5 | Votes shall be given to the Senator in accordance with the nine below rules: |
§6 | 1 weighted vote to the Senators that win by 25% to 50% of the possible votes of citizens 18 years of age or older that have not committed a felony within twenty years to the time of the vote, and are residents of the same state as the Senator. |
§7 | 2 weighted votes to the Senators that win by 50%+1 to 75% of the possible votes of citizens 18 years of age or older that have not committed a felony within twenty years to the time of the vote, and are residents of the same state as the Senator. |
§8 | 3 weighted votes to the Senators that win by 75%+1 to 100% of the possible votes of citizens 18 years of age or older that have not committed a felony within twenty years to the time of the vote, and are residents of the same state as the Senator. |
§9 | 1 vote in the Senate to the resident that qualifies as a Senator of a state that does not have 25% of the said possible voters vote for one Senator. |
§10 | 1 weighted vote to the Senators that win by 25% to 50% of the possible votes of state legislators that are residents of the same state as the Senator. |
§11 | 2 weighted votes to the Senators that win by 50%+1 to 75% of the possible votes of state legislators that are residents of the same state as the Senator. |
§12 | 3 weighted votes to the Senators that win by 75%+1 to 100% of the possible votes of state legislators that are residents of the same state as the Senator. |
§13 | The weighting of the votes shall be defined by each vote being multiplied by the logarithm base: number of citizens in the smallest state of: number of citizens in the state, and multiplied by the logarithm base: number of citizens 18 years of age or older that have not committed a felony within twenty years to the time of the vote, and are residents of the same state as the Senator of: number of votes of citizens 18 years of age or older that have not committed a felony within twenty years to the time of the vote, and are residents of the same state as the Senator, or in the case of senators elected by the legislature, the number of the same votes the legislators that voted in favor of the senator got on their own election day. |
§14 | This amendment shall mean that all votes shall be registered to all of the candidates in general by numbers, each number shall be on a voter’s receipt, and by a court’s order of for removal of their vote from the total count, the computer alone shall so deduct this vote from the total count of votes for their candidate. |
§15 | In the case of vacancies in either house, a person who is otherwise qualified, but has never held public office, must be randomly picked and faithfully execute their office with one vote until the next election |
§16 | No person may serve in the Senate because they have paid into the campaign of a state legislator. |
§17 | A forum must be established where all, and none other than these, persons who have attained to the age of twenty five years, been seven years a citizen of the United States, and an inhabitant of a state, may submit their names and platforms for becoming a Representative. |
§18 | This forum shall allow, and shall allow none other than, all citizens of the United States who have attained to the age of eighteen years to endorse one as a Representative to a maximum of 500, 000 endorsements. |
§19 | A confirmed Representative shall have fulfilled §17, have 500, 000 endorsements by United States citizens having attained to the age of eighteen years, and given their oath confirming this constitution. |
§20 | Each endorsement may only exist once until their Representative resigns, ends their term or the endorsement is revoked. |
§21 | A Representative will be fully removed from office upon their end of term of two years, resignation by testament or otherwise, or the revocation of 250, 001 of their 500, 000 original endorsements or the inability to confirm that such endorsements continue to exist, which will be considered 2/3rds of a revocation. |
§22 | It shall take a unanimous agreement in the Congress for the U.S. government to take on any debts and such an agreement must include how money shall be appropriated to repay it and the use of the debt itself. |
§23 | There shall be a Pseudo Senate and a Pseudo House of Representatives constituted entirely from citizens over the age of 30 and 25, respectively, and under the age of 60 and 55, respectively, who shall not have been convicted of a felony before their time in office, nor have held any office in the federal government, who shall be chosen by a lottery according to the below procedure: |
§24 | Each state shall have two Pseudo Senators and there shall be one Pseudo Representative for every million U.S. citizens, chosen randomly according to the best-kept records of the resident, non-felon, non-politician, citizens (between 30 and 60 years of age) of each state for the Pseudo Senators, and the best-kept records of non-felon, non-politician, citizens (between 25 and 55 years of age) for Pseudo Representatives. |
§25 | Knowledge of who these Pseudo Senators and Representatives are shall be strictly limited to members of the Congress, the Pseudo Senate, the Pseudo House of Representatives and the security which the Pseudo Senators and Representatives hire for themselves within the bounds of what funds the Congress has appropriated for this purpose, this strict limitation shall only constitute a divide between what the Pseudo Senate and the Pseudo House of Representatives do at their jobs before they were randomly chosen, and what they are doing with the powers granted herein. |
§26 | This strict limitation is only enforced whereas the technology that the Pseudo Senators and Representatives are using to vote, propose and argue is encrypted in the eyes of anyone outside of their chambers, and that the members of the Congress shall be the ones enforcing their random selection. |
§27 | The Pseudo Senate has the power to: Order a retrial of a criminal case at any level. Stop a criminal case from being retried. File articles of impeachment against the president to be tried in the Senate. Expel members of the Pseudo House of Representatives for misbehaviour. |
§28 | The Pseudo House of Representatives has the power to: Stop a civil case from being tried with respect to a lack of standing or lack of jurisdiction. Order that any case be settled more timely than the date and hour set by a court. Call for a vote of “no confidence” and “replacement” in the Inspector General to be voted on by all members of the Congress, the Pseudo Senate and the Pseudo House of Representatives wherever they may be. (The Inspector General shall be removed from all duties in the Federal government if they have less than five out of every eleven people voting, voting in their confidence. A Senator and only duly-elected Senators shall nominate the replacement Inspector General.) Expel members of the Pseudo Senate for misbehaviour. |
§29 | With a three of four majority in each Pseudo chamber: Words may be removed from legislation that is not part of the constitution. Words may be removed from the opinions of courts in the way that that forms court precedent. One of their members may replace a vacancy on the Supreme Court. Any action taken just by the Federal executive branch of government may be made publicly available ten days from a vote for this to happen. |
§30 | The compensation for Pseudo Senators and Representatives shall be half the average compensation of Senators and Representatives. |
§31 | Pseudo Senators shall hold their positions for six (6) years (unless they are either removed or resign before then, or they are thus the replacement for a Pseudo Senator) on the same schedule as their state’s Senators, then the Congress shall enforce that they are replaced as according to §23 and §24. |
§32 | Pseudo Representatives shall hold their positions for two (2) years (unless they are either removed or resign before then, or they are thus the replacement for a Pseudo Senator), then the Congress shall enforce that they are replaced as according to §23 and §24. |
§33 | The random selection of Pseudo Senators and Representatives shall be effective on noon the 21st day of January and whenever a vacancy appears. |
§34 | The nine members of the Supreme court shall be voted in by all citizens of the United States every seven years. |
§35 | These members must be U.S. citizens and must not have campaigned for this position nor have been convicted of a felony before election. |
§36 | The voting shall take place by secret ballot such that each vote shall be numbered and be for one written-in candidate, the voters shall have a receipt of their vote with just this number on it and the same must be made public, it shall only be connected to the candidate by a computer whereby if the voter was not a citizen the computer may remove their vote from the total count to their candidate, which may change the results. |
§37 | The nine thus most voted-for candidates, who shall be acting as legal counsels or judges at the time of election for this position shall be on the court with the most voted-for candidate having the position of chief justice. |
§38 | The position of Vice President no longer exists. |
§39 | There shall be a Inspector General who shall not have ever given or gotten campaign contributions to or from anyone wishing to fill a political office within the United States or any other country, and shall have the same qualifications as would suit the Presidency. |
§40 | This Inspector General shall be voted in by the Congress, Pseudo Senators and Pseudo Representatives together according to the number of votes each of those people have in their respective chambers, with each Pseudo Senator having one-half of a vote. |
§41 | One may only be nominated for the position of Inspector General by a Senator. |
§42 | The Inspector General shall have the power to: Stop the President or his departments from making agreements with countries, businesses, or people not contained within the federal government. Terminate the contracts of persons working for the government not pursuant to this Constitution. And is required to give a speech on any agreement or treaty with a foreign government for as long as he deems necessary before any part of the agreement or treaty can be effective in any way whatsoever. Replace the President should he be impeached and convicted, resign or be physically unable to carry out his duties. |
§43 | The Inspector General shall forego his or her powers upon either resignation, being physically unable to carry out his or her duties, or losing a vote of “no confidence” that may be called by either branch of the Congress or the Pseudo House of Representatives. |
§44 | The President shall be elected by the same system of secret ballots called for for the election of the Supreme Court with the only change being that their voters must be U.S. citizens that are not felons or under the age of 18 such that all people that fit those requirements must be allowed to vote. |
§45 | The President shall be the one who receives the most such votes for his being in that office in the year of our Lord 2017, and in the year 2021, be the one that also was at one point either a state governor, or a Senator, or a Representative; in the year 2025 and beyond, be the one who also has been at one time or another in their life: both a Senator and a Representative; both a Senator and a state governor; both a Senator and state legislator; both a Representative and a state governor; both a Representative and state legislator; both a state governor and state legislator. This does not allow one who has not been a citizen of the United States for all of their life to become president. |
§46 | The president may not give pardons, amnesty or reprieves to persons with wealth or debt to the United States or any person operating in the United States if the sum of that wealth, debt, earnings within the last 1461.02544 days and the wealth, debt and earnings within the last 1461.02544 days of the other persons pardoned or provided with amnesty or any natural number of reprieves exceeds or would exceed one percent of the value of the salable goods made by U.S. citizens and U.S. corporations. |
§47 | Pardons, reprieves or amnesty may not be given if the said value of wealth, debts, earnings and goods is not calculated. |
§48 | The limitation on pardons, reprieves and amnesty is only the sum of the same within one president’s term starting on January 20th and ending four years later on January 20th. |
§49 | Federal taxes may only be calculated using the equations, with one equation per year, where y is tax and x is income in that year: y=x*Arctangent(natural_log(x)/Euler's_constant^{2.82870019165956, 2.9, 3.0, 3.1,… in that linear direction on a number line})/π or y=x*(x^(1/{125, 126, 127, 128,… in that linear direction on a number line)-1), this does not affect sales, duties and excise taxes. |
§50 | The maximum wage that a business may be forced to pay its employees by any level of government in the United States shall be $15 per hour of employee work. The employment of any worker may be terminated by the management of a business if (but not only if according to state laws) they defy the contract that they agreed to in order for them to work at the job. |
§51 | No person or group of persons bound by legal or monetary obligations as in a corporations or corporations bound by loans may give campaign contributions to more than 1 candidate for any position or one party for the candidates that have only been members of the same party. They may change which candidate or party they support once every 2190 days. |
§52 | Within corporations or any body of persons that could be described by §53, all persons being most likely employees, owners, lenders, or shareholders shall all vote once every 2190 days on which condidate or party they would like to support, and they may only give campaign contributions to that one person or party during the next 2190 days. Those with monetary, contractual, or legal obligations to or from the federal government are not allowed to provide contributions to campaigns until 2190 days after such obligations expire, and they are prohibited from outsourcing their would-be campaign contributions to another corporation or body of people in §52 not bound under §53. |
§53 | There shall be a referendum every 10 years in the United States from the passing of this amendment on every agreement and treaty made or not yet made between the United States and every or any other country or foreign power. Each agreement title made between the United States and the said shall appear line by line on ballots much like the ballots for Supreme Court justices, but where the voter either puts in a "yes" or "no" vote for each political, economic or legal agreement. Should the voters, by a majority, reject any of those agreements, or by 2/3rds reject any treaty, the paper or fact that people think that such an agreement or treaty is effective must be shown to everyone as being defective, as should the laws written pursuant to them. Should the voters reject future agreements, the President and anyone with an obligation to him are prohibited from speaking to any foreign person until Congress unanimously allows them to. |
§54 | The "voters" referred to in §54 are any citizen over the age of 18, "reject" means to have a majority of the votes on any given agreement, or 2/3rds of the votes on any treaty, be "no". |
§55 | The ambassadors of the United States to the U.N. General Assembly, Security Council, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and tribal governments shall be all of those chosen by the state legislatures, and not the federal government. These ambassadors may provide no aid to the campaigns of state legislators. |
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