Tenth Edition: New Constitution
Superlative Constitution
SECTION 1 (Definitions)
For the purposes of all Constitutions for the United States of America, there are some basic definitions (“==” means a test of reality to the bindings of law):
“T” means True
“F” means False
“S” means Senator(s) or consent of Senators
“R” means Representative(s) or consent of Representatives
“P” means President or a Presidential Order or a Presidential appointment
“O” means Federal Officer or a regulation they come up with
“vP” means Vice President or their power of recognition
“Ppro tempore” means the President Pro Tempore or their power of recognition
“HS” means the Speaker of the House or their power of recognition
“” means a certain phrase in either these Constitutional procedures or a certain law provision that is either allowed by this Constitution (True) or prohibited by this Constitution (False).
“<A>” means “for all,” or the universal quantifier, when put next to an item it means “all of (item)” or “unanimous consent among (item).”
“<E>” means “there exists.”
item1“<1111>”item2 means that this statement is true in these four cases, except for the cases represented by a “0” in the code:
These are the inputs:
item1=T, item2=T
item1=T, item2=F
item1=F, item2=T
item1=F, item2=F
Contradictions result if one of those variable sets exist with “0”
“<11111111>(item1, item2, item3)” means:
=True, where there are three items that could all have different truth values; “0”s in the code stand for those combinations of truth values for those items that must be considered false.
“<1111…10>(item1, item2, …, itemn)” means:
All items must be true
The last item must be false, all others must be true
The second to last item must be false, all others must be true
The two final items must be false, all others must be true
All other combinations must be false if a “0” comes after the ellipse, if “1” all other combinations can be true
The truth value of all other combinations of the truth values of the items.
If all items are false, the statement is false if this is “0.” If “1,” then the statement will be true without any items being true.
All of the combinations that correspond with “1” are allowed, and the first four numbers can be extended by multiplying the length by 2 and considering that the relative truth value of the third-to-last item and so on by multiples of 2 to the second-to-last and last items.
SECTION 2 (Speech, Press, Self-defense)
No citizen shall in any way be denied full use of their capacities for political purposes, including, but not limited to, creating an indictment of current systems in public or private opinion, and being able upon reaching the age set by state laws or the following Constitutions and not being henceforward disqualified by the same shall be able to vote for the mandatory positions outside of excluded judgeships created by the Positive Constitution and the constitutions of the states of this union.
No citizen shall in any way be denied the ability to defend themselves, but upon indictment in courts of law this defense would only extend to having capable counsel and witnesses for their defense, under such a limitation this right extends to all persons not proscribed by Congress.
SECTION 3 (Ordering and Supremacy)
There are three Constitutions to replace the old Constitution: the Superlative Constitution, the Comparative Constitution, and the Positive Constitution.
Oaths to protect and defend the old Constitution shall be considered oaths to protect and defend the Superlative Constitution, and all persons who shall take public office must give an oath to defend it, and all judges shall be bound thereby.
Any requirement for a certain number or fraction of Senators to vote in favor of something for it to be effective can be changed by a resolution of 3/4<A>R to be a simple majority for a maximum of two years.
This Superlative Constitution shall be considered supreme over the Comparative Constitution and the Positive Constitution and all other legislation, but the primary version of the Comparative and Positive constitutions shall be considered T under the Superlative Constitution with amendments that seem to be against the interests of the Superlative Constitution simply having either a lack of effect where they contradict or having any implementation avoided on account of exceeding or lacking the necessary topics for each given in this section.
The Comparative Constitution shall be limited:
to defining the powers of the federal government,
judicial review,
its own supremacy against legislation other than this Constitution,
the amendment process for the Positive Constitution
The Comparative Constitution can be amended by having a resolution passed by:
3/4<A>state legislatures
2/3<A>state delegations to a constitutional convention at the pleasure of majorities in 2/3<A>state legislatures
3/4<A>popular conventions in <A>states
The Comparative Constitution shall be considered supreme over the Positive Constitution, but the Positive Constitution should never be considered void on account of it considering topics not covered by the Comparative Constitution.
The Positive Constitution shall be limited to the topics of:
the election of Senators,
the election of Representatives,
the choosing of the
Vice President
membership of the judiciary,
state election limitations,
state power limitations not already caused by giving powers to the national government (with the power to tax being concurrent),
state powers,
individual rights
not already guaranteed by
and state constitutions
and duties,
rules of construction,
its supremacy over
state constitutions,
state legislation,
federal legislation
citizenship given that no person with citizenship may be denied it except on account of waging war against the United States or providing aid or comfort to the enemies of the United States (which is treason),
the supremacy<1000>passage of treaties,
foreign policy
The Positive Constitution may be amended by the procedure indicated in the Comparative Constitution.
SECTION 4 (General Construction Rules)
The order of preference for construction of the laws for those empowered with judicial review for the public order within law shall be the following with regard to the laws:
- Each state shall have equal claim over jurisdiction within their natural, respective territories.
- The limitation on governmental power is greater than the limitation created by the enumerated rights of individuals.
- The text of the legislation (code ending in "1>" means that the affirmation of no duty is true).
- The rules of construction in the Positive Constitution.
- The exceptions to powers given by inferior constitutions are provided by superior constitutions and by those same constitutions or by more inferior constitutions if such limitations are provided for.
SECTION 5 (Amendment and Non Amendable provisions)
The Senate may consist of up to 2 persons from each state, provided that there shall be no fewer except on the vote of the citizens or legislature of the respective state according to the rules set forward by the Positive Constitution.
The republican nature of the states of this union now existing is protected as shall their obligation to remain part of this Union.
Section 1, Section 2, and Section 3 of the Superlative Constitution shall be amended beyond their text if and only if there is a unanimous consent in all state legislatures now existing to amend that text. Section 4 may only be amended with the same consent and the unanimous consent of any new state’s legislature.
Upon ratification by 38 state legislatures according to their rules, Section 5 of the Superlative Constitution shall be entrenched as the supreme law of the land with the dependents it has created, in their potentially amended condition to act as the body of whatever government may exist according to the rules laid out and amended.
This Constitution shall not be considered to infringe upon Article V of the previous Constitution.
Comparative Constitution
SECTION 1 (Federal government, Judicial power, not Judicial Review)
state law,
constitutional procedure,
treaty law
O<1000>P commission,
L(standard for commission)
L(Funding for executive agency)
P appointment,
[L(Provisions for lower courts)]
L3 =
Jury of peers,
L2(evidence suggesting conviction),
grand jury,
trial of “person”,
<E>jury of peers,
aid of counsel<1000>witnesses
Chief Justice=L7,
trial of P,
trial of vP
trial of judge,
trial of O<1110>employee of the republic
Ppro tempore,
vP not available
(defer to L4 engagement).
Jury of peers,
prohibition on voting for S for 20 years and P for life
SECTION 2 (Allowed Provisions)
yearly direct Taxes=yearly Income * arctan(ln(yearly Income)/e^{n|n≥2.82870019165956}/Ï€)
Pay the debt,
legal information,
revenue information,
expenditure information
universal conscription,
(Citizens born after one set date<1000>aged 19 to 24),
(must be given proper military training<1000>males and females must be separated)
universal conscription,
citizens born after one set date falling between two set ages,
(will teach at state voluntarily instituted educational institutions according to state or school standards or standards for the existence of contemporary speech and debate)
state lines,
national lines,
treaty lines
Debt to release
Federal property to
private property
state property
fraud to punishment
to exclusive use
mission critical federal information,
prohibition on publication,
punishment on account of publication
¬mail carrier to mail carrier
¬road to road
¬internet to internet
this government
original owner
their heir
to Federal property
¬citizen to citizen
to tribunal
naval crimes,
defiance(International Law)
to Punishment
rightful owner≠current owner
to new rightful owner
employees of the Republic
Federal property
Air Force
future S,
future R,
future judge,
other employees of the republic
to F
to F
short timeframe
to be allowed
federal government
Prohibited publication
employee of the Republic
inferior O
employee of the republic
“Power of removal”
inferior O
employee of the republic
to L1
“cease and desist”
to same inferior O<1110>employee of the republic
short timeframe
T provided that:
short timeframe
Protection of Federal property,
Federal property
L2 allowed evidence
grand jury,
indictment by grand jury of “person”
aid of counsel,
aid of witnesses
L2 allowed evidence
grand jury,
indictment by grand jury of “person”
aid of counsel
L2 allowed evidence
grand jury,
indictment by grand jury of “person”
aid of counsel,
aid of witnesses
L2 allowed evidence
grand jury,
indictment by grand jury of “person”
aid of counsel,
aid of witnesses
L2 allowed evidence
grand jury,
indictment by grand jury of “person”,
aid of counsel,
aid of witnesses,
L6=T by the powers of L6 listed herein
evidence of item,
testimony of witness,
allowed in trial of “person”,
used in trial of “person”
<E>evidence of violation by “person”,
<E>punishment upon “person”
removal from office,
employee of the republic,
Ppro tempore,
Sale of debt against the United States
appointment of person to O
already employee of the republic
already S,
already R,
already judge,
limitation on recess appointments
limit reached,
1 year or more appointment
S risen to speak,
S permission to speak,
vote after speeches
S rises to motion,
S proposes motion,
vote on motion
rule given by 2/3<A>S
R to HS for day
rule given by 1/2<A>R+R
SECTION 3 (Prohibited Provisions)
citizen’s individual defense
L[retroactively criminalizing past behavior]=F
L[Speech<0100>(employee of the republic)]=F
L[Press<0100>(employee of the republic)]=F
L[prohibited petitions]=F
L[prohibition on L3 conviction being Constitutionally tried by the Supreme Court]=F
L≠L1 L≠L2 L≠L3 L≠L4 L≠L7 L≠L8 L≠L9
L1[Quartering soldiers in home]=F
L1[Speech<0100>(employee of the republic)]=F
L1[Press<0100>(employee of the republic)]=F
L1[stopping a petition]=F
L1{enforcement(L1)<1000>[<E>L declaration(L1=F)]}=F
L1{enforcement(L6)<1000>[<E>L declaration(L6=F)]}=F
L1≠L2 L1≠L3 L1≠L4 L1≠L5 L1≠L6 L1≠L7 L1≠L8 L1≠L9
L2[allow evidence in court obtained without prior L2]=F
L2≠L3 L2≠L4 L2≠L5 L2≠L6 L2≠L7 L2≠L8 L2≠L9
L3[(cruel<1000>unusual) punishment]=F
L3[excessive fines<1110>excessive bail]=F
L3≠L4 L3≠L5 L3≠L6 L3≠L7 L3≠L8 L3≠L9
L4[punishment other than disqualification from any office]=F
L4≠L5 L4≠L6 L4≠L7 L4≠L8 L4≠L9
L5(Not paying the debts of the United States)=F
L6[Confiscation(citizen’s individual defense)]=F
L6[retroactively criminalizing past behavior]=F
L6[Speech<0100>(employee of the republic)]=F
L6[Press<0100>(employee of the republic)]=F
L6[abridging petitions]=F
L6[inhibiting L2 conviction being Constitutionally tried by the Supreme Court]=F
L6[Quartering soldiers in home]=F
L6≠L5 L6≠L7 L6≠L8 L6≠L9
L9(Going beyond limiting the right to vote)=F
SECTION 4 (Civil Suits)
<A>legally binding decisions on adversaries about their relationships, defer to state laws
<A>legally binding decisions on strictly monetary contracts, defer to L, but where the contract is insufficient, defer to juries and judges to interpret L
<A>decisions of a jury of peers to the adversaries = “D”
<A>decisions of judges lower than the Supreme Court with power of the writ of Certiorari = “C”
<A>decisions of the Supreme Court in any case where their writ of Certiorari is not prohibited by L or Section 8 = “SCOTUS”
- Adversaries settle differences through every means not prohibited by a law.
- Adversaries ask a judge for a trial time if their differences have not been settled.
- Adversaries receive D.
- Adversary asks for C or SCOTUS if D is insufficient, prejudiced, or outlawed.
- Adversaries receive C or SCOTUS on whether to hear case.
- Adversaries receive C or SCOTUS.
- Adversaries ask for SCOTUS if C is insufficient.
SECTION 5 (Suits against the Executive Branch)
Civil suits may be filed against P or O for their actions under the powers of their positions<0100>governing their individual conduct by any of the below:
May be filed by 1/2<A>R+R using the same process as above with preference over other adversaries.
May be filed by any person whose property was allegedly confiscated or harmed by actions of P or O, but must provide evidence to the judge whom they ask for a trial time.
May be filed by any person who will have evidence that Congress shall have passed a law allowing their suit against the executive branch.
SECTION 6 (Cases involving Members of Congress)
if [(L3, D, C, SCOTUS)<1000>(S<1110>R)<0100>(felony, treason, breach of the peace)]:
(L3, D, C, SCOTUS)=F
elif 2/3<A>S[process(“S” to not S)] or 2/3<A>R[process(“R” to not R)] or (felony, treason, breach of the peace):
(L3, D, C, SCOTUS)=T
SECTION 7 (Cases involving States, ambassadors or consuls)
States may bring a suit against each other or against the Federal government, and the Federal Government may bring a suit against a state with SCOTUS guaranteed, even if SCOTUS is a determination that they have no case.
Ambassadors and consuls may only be tried for crimes at the SCOTUS level with no guaranteed SCOTUS.
<A>cases that are not of states or of ambassadors or of consuls, SCOTUS shall not be effective unless it shall come after another court has heard the case.
SECTION 8 (Prohibited Cases)
States shall have sovereign immunity in any case except[<11111110>(those in which their positive action contradicts federal law, their state Constitution allows the case, in any case where a resident of that state is deprived of rights or laws given by this Constitution)].
SCOTUS shall be a determination that no case exists in any suit where the “adversaries” both have a natural interest in a settlement going but one way.
SCOTUS shall issue no writ but upon petition from another source.
SECTION 9 (Judicial Review)
Judicial review =
Section 1,
Section 2,
Section 3,
Superlative Constitutional limitations,
Positive Constitutional limitations
SCOTUS declares contradiction because of:
Means that such legislation is unenforceable until changed to fit where L0,1,2,3,5,6=T. (Note contradictions solve to either T=F or F=T)
SCOTUS shall be that a state law or state constitutional provision is false should it be opposed this Constitution.
SECTION 10 (Amendment of Positive Constitution)
Amendment of the Positive Constitution =
a resolution of a majority of state legislatures and more to the extent that they represent at least 2/5 of people in the United States
by a 3/5 majority vote in both houses of Congress followed by a referendum of the citizenry 2 years later of whether such an amendment should be effective provided that the amendment shall remove or add up to 100 words and be voted on by at least 50% of the citizenry
Positive Constitution
Election of Senators
Each seat in the Senate shall be chosen by vote every 6±1 years (continuous with current terms of Senate seats) potentially by the State legislature, so long as the citizens of the United States residing in that state and not subject to L9, nor defying state electoral procedural rules shall (have some control over both Senators such as being able to run for the office if not limited by the Positive Constitution)<0110>[have complete control over one Senator including to not be represented until one candidate receives a simple majority of their votes and being able to petition for the (removal<1110>disqualification) with the signatures of 1/2<A>them of any Senator that would represent their state].
The qualification to be a Senator shall be having been a citizen for at least 7 years and exceed the age of 25, as well as fulfill the limitations imposed over time by the citizenry of each state should their legislature ever used the second option and the same chosen their own Senator(s).
Election of Representatives
Each seat in the House of Representatives shall last for exactly 730.51272 calendar days starting on January 3 at noon.
These seats will be filled by each of the individuals (up to 50) chosen by state legislatures or chosen by their rules, and each individual who shall have gotten 400,000 public endorsements for that office by 400,000 unique citizens to the House over the age of 18, and no citizen may give more than one endorsement in this way over the course of 2 years.
The qualifications for being a Representative are: having been a citizen for more than 5 years, and fulfilling any requirement created by a petition of 1/2<A>citizens (for endorsement), or by fulfilling any requirement set by the state constitution of the legislature that would choose the Representative.
Choosing of the President and vP
The an electoral value shall be accumulated for each state by those citizen voters over the age set by the state legislature not above 18, not subject to L9 vote, and not defying the limited electoral procedural rules for voting in that state, which are set by the state to maintain integrity, who vote for a candidate for P.
The electoral value shall be:
∑[(number of votes cast in a given state in a given election)^(3/4)*(percentage a candidate got of the votes of that state)]
The qualifications for being President shall be:
having been a citizen for the last 14 years,
having been President for 10 years already,
having been vP when P was subject to
qualification limitations
having been HS when
were subject to
qualification limitations
having been Ppro tempore when
were subject to
qualification limitations
having been a cabinet member
superior O when
Ppro tempore,
were subject to
qualification limitations
having won the majority of the electoral value
For the Vice Presidential position the electoral value and qualifications shall be:
∑[(number of votes cast in a given state in a given election)^(3/5) for (candidate who got the plurality in that state)]
having been a citizen for the last 14 years,
having been President for 10 years already,
having been Ppro tempore when vP was subject to
qualification limitations
having been Senate majority leader when
Ppro tempore
were subject to
qualification limitations
having been House majority leader when
Senate majority leader,
Ppro tempore
were subject to
qualification limitations
having been a Sergeant-at-arms
head of Congressional protection when
Senate majority leader,
Ppro tempore,
House majority leader
were subject to
qualification limitations
having won the majority of the electoral value
In order to have two candidates of whom one can win the majority of the electoral value, there shall be two inferior election systems that shall include any citizen who has been a citizen for more than 14 years and have created petitions in 4/5<A>states to the amount of signatures necessary to appear on that state’s ballot as set by state law and have found their best choices to be the principal officers of the major executive departments created under the Comparative Constitution and shall have chosen one or the other inferior election system to appear on the final ballot for electoral value. These inferior election systems shall have electors from every state and possession of the United States proportionally to the votes given to that election system by citizens qualified by disparate rules.
<E>Mandate for the candidates to give debates of policy with the continuous aid of their choices for principal officers with <A>the other candidates.
Membership of the Judiciary
Congress shall have the power with consent of P to establish judgeships excluding at the level of the Supreme Court.
Each judgeship shall last until events shall have effected L4 to the respective judge and <10000000>(P nomination, 1/2<A>S+S, cloture)=F for more than a year with <10000000>(P nomination, 1/2<A>S+S, cloture)=T causing the judgeship to continue with a new judge.
In the case of missing judgeships at the original jurisdiction level, the nearest state court is conscribed to take up their cases unless Congress and the President have legislated otherwise.
The Supreme Court shall continue to have its current judges until those judges would be removed by L4, and henceforward shall have:
<A>citizens who
qualify as counsel in
according to each states’ respective rules
qualify as financial auditors in
by knowledge of math, finance and tax law
State election limitations
No person may be denied or disparaged of the right to vote on account of race, gender, age if over 18 or political motivations (also protected by the Superlative Constitution), but the right to vote shall be limited to citizens of the United States with an enforced maximum of one vote per citizen per office per election.
Electoral procedural rules for election integrity shall be effected by the states.
State power limitations
State legislation(religion)=F
State legislation(proscription)=F
State legislation(political libel)=F
State legislation(execution of laws not consistent with L3)=F
State legislation(confiscations)=F
State legislation(disparagement of self-defense)=F
Titles of nobility=F
Hereditary offices=F
State powers
[State legislation(establish tribunals over civil<1000>criminal law) inferior to SCOTUS]=T
Individual rights and duties
<A>Citizens born after the year set by Congress within 1 year of original ratification shall be required to be part of the militia or at least receive knowledge on the topics to the extent that they are capable, and Congress shall have the power to give leave to those within the militia provided that those who receive leave did not provide monetary contribution to any member of Congress.
<A>Members of Congress shall be on any battlefield in which:
(our militia<1110>our military)<1000>foreign military<1000>foreign territory=T
<A>Citizens referred to by that year of birth shall also be required to be normal teachers across all state educational institutions for a certain number of years as Congress directs.
<A>Citizens are required to appear as randomly selected jurors before any citizen may be a juror twice.
<A>Citizens who were present at the approximate time and place of an alleged crime shall be required to testify under punishment for lying in a court of law unless they would make an allegation of no knowledge or self-incrimination neither of which may be interrogated for specifically without the other, and no admission of that shall be considered evidence.
<A>Citizens with legal training may be conscripted to serve for the benefit of someone with insufficient funds for counsel in criminal cases.
<A>Citizens are required to pay state taxes according to state constitutions and jurisdiction.
<A>Persons who use derivatives of derivatives of commerce or property (such as debt or buying or selling rights) is required to pay the highest excise tax in the land for it.
(<A>Persons holding elected office)<0100>(may provide public office or public funding to their contributors)=T
Rules of construction
The judges at SCOTUS may be removed by a vote of 2/3<A>S on account of breaking rules of construction by their opinions (this means that if the opinion is unanimous, the Senate would have deprived us of the Supreme Court and therefore would not be able to).
Every 4 years, the people shall vote on the court fee for suits between citizens, and the median number chosen from any whole number by the citizens voting shall be 1/3 the cost to the plaintiff and 2/3 the cost to the loser of the case.
No part of these constitutions prejudice the claims of the United States or of any particular state.
<A>Persons born to citizen(s) of the United States or naturalized according to the uniform rules established by Congress are forevermore citizens of the United States unless they have an L3 attainder for treason, but no attainder for treason shall ever work corruption of blood.
Supremacy<1000>passage of treaties
Treaties passed by 2/3<A>S+S+P are as effective indefinitely, as debts are temporarily, against the United States, but Treaties may revise rules of construction.
Foreign policy
Congress and the President shall have the combined power to engage in foreign policy.
“Foreign Policy” is a limitation on the conduct of the states and people in how they are allowed to treat foreign nationals from any other country in particular.
The President shall have the power to instruct all officers and employees of the Union in how best to avoid action that conflicts with foreign policy.
State constitutions, state legislation, and federal legislation that contradict the Positive Constitution are held invalid.
This New Constitution is meant to clarify what was stated in https://politicallogic101.blogspot.com/2016/10/ninth-edition-new-constitution.html the "Ninth Edition".
ReplyDeleteThis new Constitution is designed in a tiered format of amendability and going from the least amendable provisions to the most amendable provisions, we have this order:
Section 5 of the Superlative Constitution,
Section 4 of the Superlative Constitution,
Sections 1-3 of the Superlative Constitution,
the Comparative Constitution
the Positive Constitution,
Debt against the United States and treaties we have ratified,
Laws of Congress,
Impeachments and Convictions done by Congress,
Bureaucratic regulations,
Rules of the Senate,
Rules of the House,
Judicial warrants,
and Jury decisions.
If we were to order everything in this Constitution by scope of liability to the federal government, we get this order:
Debt against the United States and treaties we have ratified,
Universal Conscription required in the Positive Constitution,
The requirement of the preservation of the Union and requirement that all states be republics in Section 5 of the Superlative Constitution,
Laws of Congress appropriating treasury funds for wages,
Bureaucratic regulations,
The requirement for counsel and witnesses required by the Comparative Constitution in all trials.
We can consider the relationship between the three Constitutional levels in this way:
In a trial, you must be able to have a lawyer (Superlative Constitution Section 2), this lawyer must be able to help you and you must have privileged communication between yourself and the said lawyer (logical construction of "aid of counsel" in the Comparative Constitution section 2), you must be able to ask witnesses questions ("witnesses" follows "counsel" in the same text), you must have all trials be done by juries (Comparative Constitution in several sections), you must be able to get witnesses to the crime (Positive Constitution), the prosecutors are not allowed to ask defendants to self-incriminate or say directly that speaking on the issue would incriminate themselves (Positive Constitution), everyone who is a lawyer may be conscripted to take up cases for defendants (Positive Constitution), and everyone who is a citizen must be a juror before anyone can be a jury twice (Positive Constitution).
We can also look at the three levels this way:
Everyone who is a citizen must be able to vote for people into all major offices except judgeships under reasonable limitations (Superlative Constitution Section 2), the people or state legislature (depending on who holds the power of election) must be able, in some way to deprive themselves of Senate representation if they don't like their options (Superlative Constitution Section 5), a jury can use all evidence (even that found without the permission of a judge) to find if someone should be deprived of the right to vote just for Senators and the President (Comparative Constitution), voting may not be deprived or disparaged on account of race, gender, age if over 18 or political motivations (Positive Constitution), voter fraud must be opposed by state laws on voting (also the Positive Constitution), and there is a definition of treason which is the only way that citizenship can be gotten rid of in the Superlative Constitution, but the provision that anyone born to a citizen is a citizen is provided by the Positive Constitution.
You can also look at the three levels in a more hypothetical way:
DeleteSection 5 of the Superlative Constitution (unamendable) provides the amendment procedure for sections 1-4 of the Superlative Constitution, Section 3 of the Superlative Constitution provides for what the Comparative and Positive Constitutions are allowed to consider and the amendment process for the Comparative Constitution, and the Comparative Constitution provides for the amendment process for the Positive Constitution, but the positive and Comparative provide for their own supremacy.
The ratifications of this Constitution would preempt the amendment proposal process in Article V, but would not stop the ratification of amendments that have been proposed (or even ratified) to the previous Constitution after this new Constitution gets ratified. If those amendments get ratified (or reratified) after this Constitution gets ratified, those amendments would be suffixed to the fifth section of the Superlative Constitution and would be unamendable except where their own content says otherwise (as in if the 18th amendment gets reratified, the way to get rid of it would be to reratify the 21st amendment).
ReplyDeleteAs a way of acting on this, Congress could, after proposing this new Constitution to the states, propose any number of other amendments as under the previous Constitution in Article V until the new Constitution gets ratified. Congress could use this chance to adopt term limits, create a balanced budget amendment, or even pass one of my pet projects, the conservative version of a national popular vote for the office of the President:
DeleteResolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States:
Delete“Article —
“Section 1. Those voting in each state of the union according to their respective rules shall have their vote counted with one vote per such person in each Presidential election.
"Section 2 — The otherwise constitutionally qualified person who wins the absolute majority of the votes counted according to section 1 shall become President.
"Section 3 — Should no person be qualified for the office of the President according to Section 2, there shall be another election on the first Sunday one month later for the office of the President, according to the rules of section one, and every month thereafter in the same way until one shall qualify according to section 2.
"Section 4 — For the months in which the use of Section 3 is necessary, (i) the Speaker of the House shall be provisional President with no veto or Supreme Court appointment powers, (ii) there shall be absolutely no political campaigning, (iii) nor any publication made to the advancement or detriment of candidates who shall be on the ballot for the office of the President.
"Section 5 — Violation of section 4 by a media organization will deprive them of the right to publish information through their current mediums for no less than one month and no more than one year. Violation of section 4 by someone who is neither a member of the government nor a media organization will result in a fine of no more than 25% of contributions to all organizations they are a part of and no less than $10,000 per diem of the publication's existence. Violation of Section 4 by a member of the government shall result in suspension of government powers, pay and immunities for no less than one year and no more than ten years.
"Section 6 — Congress shall have the power to enforce this through appropriate legislation."
Section 1 is pretty simple: every vote counts, not just those in the swing states, and it also renders voter fraud a federal crime.
DeleteSection 2 is less simple than section 1, but it is necessary since no candidate should be able to divide and conquer their opponents, majoritarian government requires that the President have democratic legitimacy (voters must have voted for them, not just against their opponent), not just procedural legitimacy (having a President because we have always had a President).
Section 3 is straightforward because we would need a democratically legitimate President, so we must give the people the necessary chances to give themselves one without causing our economy to fail because people are taking off work to vote.
Section 4 is the most contentious section, but it is necessary and proper in order to give the people a chance to think for themselves without the candidates telling them what to think and would provide the candidates for all offices, including the President, a reprieve from the "eternal campaign," which helps absolutely nobody except advertisers!
Section 5 is the end-all-or-be-all for the otherwise necessary section 4 because without section 5, we are giving way too much power to Congress to silence all political dissenters and without section 5, members of Congress would technically be "privileged from arrest" according to the 1789 Constitution. This section has the added advantage of providing a minimum and a maximum punishment to keep the people who are siding with the government from being punished much less than those who are speaking against the government's candidate.
Section 6 is just there to make sure that the government can have agencies like the FBI (for section 4) or the FEC and EAC (for sections 1-3) to enforce this amendment because that is the only way this amendment is sure to have impact.
We could potentially amend Section 1 in order to restore some power back to the less occupied states of the United States and provide votes for the President since it would be unfair to have an amendment process that takes 13 states to veto and a presidential election of a president that only has to take the 9 (most populous) states to win:
DeleteResolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the previous amendment section 1 proposed in the same way to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States:
“Article —
"Section 1 — Section 1 of the amendment lately proposed to the Constitution by 2/3rds of each house of Congress shall read:
'Section 1 — Those voting in each state of the union according to their respective rules shall have their vote counted within that state with one vote per such person in each Presidential election; the votes for each candidate in a given state shall be counted together with all the other such votes for the purpose of finding the value which is the 3/4 power of the number of their votes, of which this value is granted proportionally to the candidates for President according to their proportion of the votes of that state they received. The value granted to each candidate in each state shall be considered their number of "votes" for the purpose of Section 2. The results with regard to these values may be published after the election and each time it is certified and recertified.'"
Congress could then propose another amendment for ratification:
DeleteResolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring therein), That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the previous amendment section 2 proposed in the same way to the Constitution of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-fourths of the several States:
“Article —
"Section 1 — Section 2 of the amendment lately proposed to the Constitution by 2/3rds of each house of Congress shall read:
'Section 2 — The ballot used by the voters on election day shall have a numerical input rule stating "What percentage of the popular vote shall be required for someone to take the office of the President? State an answer between 40 and 60." The median vote on that rule by the people shall be the second ground rule of being elected the President. The otherwise constitutionally qualified person who wins that majority or plurality of the votes counted according to section 1 shall become President.'"