Amendment 28, Participation, Campaign Finance Reform, President, Treaties, Supreme Court, Congress, Tax, Debt
Ninth Edition: New Constitution The below text is legislation I came up with and am proposing using the same platform famously used for getting Macy's to stop selling Donald Trump's merchandise, and affect global politics:; This marginalises no one except Wall Street, world government, bad justices, and corruption. Otherwise it defines participation in politics for ALL Americans, including ex-felons to a more limited extent, but a greater extent than they participate now. This amendment would require ratification by all the states because it does affect their voting rights in the Senate based on how popular their state is and how popular their candidates are. Representatives are no longer bound to states and can pander to expatriates. A new, sort-of "super jury" is created for the sole purpose of getting rid of corruption, it can create no corruption by ...